southern California landscape

Checklist for a Beautiful Southern California Landscape

southern California landscape

Southern California offers one of the most idyllic climates for creating beautiful outdoor living spaces. With great weather conditions year-round and minimal rain, your options are practically endless. If you are ready to expand your current living space and start enjoying more of the grounds surrounding your home, this comprehensive checklist can get you started.

Custom Landscape Design

custom landscape design

When it comes to outdoor landscape design, there is no one size fits all. There are so many landscape options to choose from that you can literally create a unique, one-of-kind setting that is perfect for you and your family. However, when designing your outdoor space, you’ll want to keep several factors in mind, such as space limits, sun and shade locations, and how you ultimately want to use the space.

For example, some plants require more sunlight than others. When creating your design, you must make sure to give each plant the right amount of sunlight. In addition, if you plan on using your outdoor space for entertaining, try to make sure the space flows easily, so it can accommodate your guests.

Southern California Plants

southern California landscape

Southern California is known for having drier, warmer weather than many other parts of the state. The good news is that is it possible to keep a colorful garden blooming all year long. However, you must know exactly what type of plants will flourish in the Southern California climate. Plants such as golden yarrow, desert willow and mesa bushmallow do very well in the region’s arid environment.

You also can add some color to your garden with a variety of beautiful native plants, such as California lilac, Matilija poppy, and Cleveland sage. A variety of trees and bushes can help to complete your outdoor landscaping. Depending on the size and nature of your landscape, you may want to consider installing an irrigation or sprinkler system to ensure your plants receive sufficient water.

Outdoor Living Features

southern California landscape

With the right features, your outdoor living space can become an extension of your home. Patios, walls and decks are great options that allow you to really use your outdoor space to the fullest. Make sure you include plenty of comfortable seating and enough lighting, so the space can be used well into the evening. Adding an outdoor fireplace to your space can create the perfect ambiance for any special event or for a night at home with the family.

Sure, you can place a standard grill outside for occasional outdoor cooking, but many homeowners today are opting to create an entire outdoor cooking area, as well. This can include everything from a built-in outdoor grill to a refrigerator to even a built-in sink. This will allow you to cook an entire meal while enjoying the outdoors with your family.

The Right Contractor

southern California landscape

Renovating an outdoor space is a complex process and one that is best left to the experts. When choosing a contractor, it’s important to realize that they are not all the same, and they don’t all offer the same services. You’ll want to find a contractor who not only has an excellent reputation but also has experience doing all types of outdoor renovations, including hardscaping, softscaping, lighting, planting, irrigation and more. In addition, you should make sure that the contractor offers a complete maintenance plan, so you can be sure your outdoor landscape design looks great all year long.

This checklist can help you create a beautiful outdoor living space and landscaping that you can enjoy throughout the year. If you are ready to maximize your outdoor space, Scarlett’s Landscape, Inc. is here to help. Contact us today to learn more.